However, watch out for the spelling of organizations. However, a major exception is that the -ise- version of a word (stabilise, maximise, theorise) is preferred over the -ize- version. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary is the preferred spelling resource for EU documents.
Here are some key elements to keep in mind. The style guide is dense-108 pages-and complemented by its own 110-page appendix with specific information on the 28 Member States. The 13 EU institutions and bodies and the more-than-40 EU agencies rely on the style guide, and so should you.
The EU produces the English Style Guide to help prepare the thousands of documents written in and translated into English every year. That's a lot of text to be made consistent! PerfectIt™ for Word automates how to follow it right within Microsoft Word, with all of the rules built in! To see how, click here for the Free Trial or to Purchase it. Most documents in all 24 official languages have to be translated into English. When working on European Union (EU) documents, consistency is key. Six Things to Check in European Union Style